Christmas question for the day
We at EDN are in a period of reflection and contemplation for the important season of Christmas. Our attention will be on raising certain questions that we invite you to comment on. We will return to our series probing controversial issues on January 4th.
TODAY’S QUESTION: Do you celebrate the “Twelve days of Christmas”, or is Christmas over for you shortly after December 25th?
I think one of the biggest problems in contemporary Christmas celebrating is the ‘pack it up after December 25’ mentality. To me, the Sundays within the 12 day cycle are integral to the celebration. Yet, whether one is attached to a liturgical tradition or not, it seems to me that it is important to take time to pause, REALLY PAUSE, and internalize the reality that Jesus is born. Of course, the reality is rooted in the meaning of what He taught, how He lived His life, what led to His death and His ultimate triumph, which is ours as well…..
I definitely and gladly celebrate the 12 days!!!
While this is not an answer to the question( sorry), I want to take this time to thank Henry and Jody Neufeld for everything they offer the Christian community through Energion Publications. They are doing significant, ground breaking work! One could not ask for a better publisher, for sure!
I also want to thank Rev. Steve Kindle for his incredible efforts on this Energion Discussion Network as well as all of you who contribute.
Thanks so very much, Bob. People like you make this a labor of love for me.