Release: Directed Paths
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Energion Editor, Chris Eyre shares about depression
Energion Publications’ editor, Chris Eyre, gives us useful thoughts on depression, even if we are going through it right now, in his recent post, “The other side of despair.”
Response to "Prayer is Not Enough"
Steve Kindle’s article on the recent school shooting in Florida raised some interesting questions and in the process demonstrated some problems that makes this issue so divisive. One of the issues that divides people is the very nature of the problem itself. Steve is clear in how he sees the problem when he writes, “The…
Nancy Petrey: Christmas in Israel
(From our author, Nancy Petrey.)
The Gathering of the Eternal Five – The Endless Story
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN THE ENDLESS STORY Time is a relentless task master that takes no holidays. The story of Jesus would be a guest at countless backyard discussions by friend, kin and convert alike. History making personalities would enjoy their lives and leave behind versions of those fateful days. Story tellers and time would…
The Gathering of the Eternal Five – And so
And so dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven’s most holy place because of the blood of Jesus. By his death, Jesus opened a new and Life giving way through the curtain into the most holy place. Let us go into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting Him. Hebrews 10:…
The Gathering of the Eternal Five – Chapter 15
Onofrio and now his son Horacio, knew no other time of day more favored than early dawn. Night slowly surrendered to the glow on the eastern horizon. Immature clouds flirted with the last shimmer of fading stars. Amber, gold with blushes of pink and receding purple comprised a festive collage announcing the birth of…
The Gathering of the Eternal Five: He Died – To Live Again
CHAPTER FOURTEEN: HE DIED – TO LIVE AGAIN MARY MAGDALENE AND THE OTHER MARY Our Master lies asleep and is at rest: His heart has ceased to bleed, his eyes to weep; The sun ashamed has dropped down in the west; Our Master lies asleep. Now we are they who weep and trembling…
Introducing Reiki Healing Touch as Prayer with Your Hands
Spirituality takes many forms – silence, breath prayer, visualization, and healing touch. Authentic spirituality embraces the body as well as spirit and mind. When you experience healing touch, your spirit is also transformed. Our cells and souls experience healing when God’s energy flows in and through us. In addition to my daily practices of centering…