Interview with Fiction Author Kimberly Tanner Gordon
If you’re interested in Christian fiction, you need to watch this!
If you’re interested in Christian fiction, you need to watch this!
We at EDN are in a period of reflection and contemplation for these important seasons of Advent and Christmas. Over the next few weeks, our attention will be on raising certain questions that we invite you to comment on. We will return to our series probing controversial questions on January 4th. As we get closer…
by Allan R. Bevere One November many years ago, I was attending a conference in downtown Atlanta, Georgia. It was late in the afternoon on Sunday. I had bowed out of a couple of sessions to finish some paperwork in my hotel room. Time slipped away from me and when I finally took to…
by Iris Davis Hello Readers, I’m sure that I am not the only person who has been through a traumatic event and used it to reach out to others who are experiencing similar circumstances. It is why some say that a “test” is part of having a “test-imony.” What do you do with that,…
By Dr. Dolly Berthelot “Little Boxes,” a catchy and meaningful song I’ve loved since the 1960s, echoes in my head (yep I’m that old): Little Boxes on the hillside, little boxes made of ticky tacky, little boxes on the hillside, little boxes, all the same.” The focus of Malvina Reynolds’s creation, which Pete Seeger popularized,…
by Herold Weiss Having discussed with some seriousness critical topics of interest to Christians who value what the Bible has to say about them, I think it is time for me to take an ironic pen in hand and draw a caricature of the history of the Gospel. Caricatures distinguish themselves by taking a feature…
by Bob Cornwall [Editor’s Note: This post originally appeared in “Ponderings on a Faith Journey,” Bob’s personal blog, on March 7, 2016. Used with permission.] The charge of heresy is a strong one. In the past charges of heresy could get one thrown out of the church if not worse. It’s probably not a word…
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