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Learning to Lament
by Chris Surber We’ve forgotten how to grieve. In our efforts to sterilize and glamorize our lives we have ostracized anguish. It isn’t allowed in our smoke filled light show worship services because it’s frankly a downer. It’s not welcomed in our mass marketed DVD Bible Studies because it doesn’t draw crowds. Today we…
Do Unto Others
by Elgin Hushbeck, Jr. For me, one of the most important moral teachings of Jesus, and in fact one found in various forms in a number of religions and moral philosophies, is his words in Matthew 7:12, “Therefore, whatever you want people to do for you, do the same for them, because this summarizes…
Can you or should you do everything for your loved one?
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Overcomers in Christ
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What the Same-sex Marriage Discussion Brings to Light
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