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Tabitha Edwards-Walton: Letter from Heaven, "I love you, Mom!"
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Science, Religion, and Subjective Evidence
In our informal series of books on issues related to creation we’ve discussed how creation is represented in scripture, how one goes about forming a doctrine of creation that is truly Christian, and how someone who accepts evolution might reflect his in worship. Soon we will have a volume on how our understanding of God…
Excerpts from The Subversion of Christianity – The Contradictions
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Dave Black: Quench Not the Spirit
8:45 AM As a kid growing up in Hawaii, I cut my eyeteeth on the old King James Version Bible. Even today, when I quote a verse of Scripture, the first rendering that comes to mind is the KJV. One such verse is 1 Thess. 5:19: Quench not the Spirit. Most of us doth not…
Is Social Justice a Good Thing?
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