Biography of Dr. Dolly Berthelot

Each part of Dr. Dolly Berthelot’s meandering professional and personal life has enriched one another and led to where she is today: an intellectually thriving though physically unpredictable 77-year-old author with countless articles and poems and several quite varying books published across decades—and more now waiting in line. Her career has included innovative public school and university teaching; communication consulting and original seminars with Unity in Diversity emphasis; daily newspaper writer and editor; international magazine travel writing and photography; and art photography.
Now a widow after 45 years of marriage, “Dr Dolly” adjusted well to the pandemic and enjoys her “mostly writing” life in a warm and friendly high rise condo overlooking beautiful Pensacola Bay. She also works there individually assisting limited select clients with writing, editing, and interpersonal communication. Life story writing and memoirs became her forte, as addressed in
She conceived the concept Scars to Stars in this book and then recommended it as the standard title for the exciting new Energion series kicked off by SCARS to STARS. She will serve as series consulting editor.
Her only son lives in Los Angeles.