We’re excited about what we have accomplished over the last several months here on the Energion Discussion Network, and we’re looking to make some changes to make our content and presentation even better. You can see our announcement on our news blog. Rev. Steve Kindle, who has been the EDN editor for all this time, is moving on. No, he’s not doing less, but he’ll be doing something new. We’ll certainly be talking about that here as soon as we have all the details! Steve is still an Energion author and a valuable member of our publishing family.
We’re going to start rolling out these changes on June 21, 2016. Posting will be a bit less regular between now and then, but we’re not abandoning this site. In fact, we’re planning to make it more active.
So stick with us, and grow!
By Dr. Dolly Berthelot “Little Boxes,” a catchy and meaningful song I’ve loved since the 1960s, echoes in my head (yep I’m that old): Little Boxes on the hillside, little boxes made of ticky tacky, little boxes on the hillside, little boxes, all the same.” The focus of Malvina Reynolds’s creation, which Pete Seeger popularized,…
CHAPTER FOURTEEN: HE DIED – TO LIVE AGAIN MARY MAGDALENE AND THE OTHER MARY Our Master lies asleep and is at rest: His heart has ceased to bleed, his eyes to weep; The sun ashamed has dropped down in the west; Our Master lies asleep. Now we are they who weep and trembling…
by Bruce Epperly For if you keep silence at such a time as this, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jewish people from another quarter, but you and your father’s family will perish. Who knows? Perhaps you have come to royal dignity for just such a time as this. (Esther 4:14) The biblical…
by Bill Tuck www.friarsfragment.com Prejudice is deep-seated. It has a long history in our world. The Egyptians enslaved the Israelites, and Moses stood before Pharaoh and challenged him: “Let my people go.” Later when Israel became a nation, it showed great prejudice toward other nations. In fact, they declared that everybody else was a Gentile, not…
by Steve Kindle [ncsoc_items product_list=”1631990093″ width=”150″ height=”250″ type=’h’]Many of you read the post and comments in opposition to and in favor of same-sex marriage. What did it bring to light? I know some of you are thinking–Nothing! Most of us are probably set in our considered opinions on the subject of gays and gay marriage….