Becoming Conscious of Your Essential Beliefs

[Editor’s Note: This post requires time to mull it over, so we’re reprising it today] by Henry Neufeld, Energion Publisher On the front of a local church, prominently displayed, is a list of the critical doctrines of that congregation. These include KJV 1611, dispensationalism, premillennialism, and pretribulationalism. If I were about to enter the church,…

Politics as Usual?

by Bob Cornwall I must admit that I’m a bit puzzled by the current political season? I may be a pastor, but I’ve always been interested in politics. I first got involved in politics as a ten-year-old. It was 1968. My parents were both active in the Republican Party. I got to spend time at…

What the Same-sex Marriage Discussion Brings to Light

by Steve Kindle [ncsoc_items product_list=”1631990093″ width=”150″ height=”250″ type=’h’]Many of you read the post and comments in opposition to and in favor of same-sex marriage. What did it bring to light? I know some of you are thinking–Nothing! Most of us are probably set in our considered opinions on the subject of gays and gay marriage….

Am I Willing?

by Jody Neufeld   “Our Father God loved all of His children so much that He gave the only Son He has as the blood sacrifice, so that everyone who has faith in him who did this, will have eternal life and never really die. And Father God did not send his Son to this…