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Stewardship in Ministry

Resources for teaching/learning stewardship from the viewpoint of ministry. Books in this category will often duplicate those in Stewardship in Christian Life.

Showing all 4 results

  • Hope Beyond Pandemic, Front Cover

    Hope Beyond Pandemic


    Our lives have been disrupted by a pandemic, but at some point we will find a new normal. What will we do then? Better, what should we do then? Bruce Epperly has been writing while living through this time as a pastor, teacher, author, and grandparent. He provided some lessons for a hopeful, fulfilling life…

  • Stewardship: God’s Way of Recreating the World


    There is little disagreement that our world is as close to self-destruction as it has ever been, humanity included. It is unnecessary to list the wars, political conflicts, diseases, ecological disasters, and the like; we are all too familiar with a daily rehearsal of our plight. What there is little or no agreement on is…

  • The Forgotten Beatitude: Worshiping Through Stewardship


    Stewardship is one of the essential means the church utilizes to roll up its sleeves and engage in the ministry it is challenged to do. — William Powell Tuck Jesus said in His sermon on the mountain, “Blessed are …” (Matthew 5:1-12) James said, Faith without works is dead. (James 2:14-26) Dr. Bill Tuck shares…

  • Tithing After the Cross


    Some in the church find it very difficult to talk about money, but it’s a subject that cannot be avoided. The church needs money to continue to function. Missionaries need money to carry the gospel. As a result, however reluctant we are to talk about it, we have to do so. And when we do…

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