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Mini-Memoirs — Scars to Stars

“What makes night within us may leave stars” Victor Hugo, Ninety Three.

Mini-Memoirs—Scars to Stars. This new Energion Publications series of short books provides provocative mini memoirs portraying diverse spiritual, religious, or ethical journeys by select authors.

Experience shapes beliefs, and in turn, behaviors, often more than we realize. Ideally we learn and grow from the various paths that determine our destinations. Painful moments can lead to unexpected joy. Insight and inspiration also come from the cogently shared memories and perspectives of others, both those similar to and different from ourselves.

Mini-Memoirs—Scars to Stars derives its title, and indeed its mission from those words used in the first volume of the series, SCARS to STARS by Dr. Dolly Haik-Adams Berthelot, who is also series consulting editor.

May these books stimulate your own memories, nourish your own creativity, and help guide your own journey.

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    A Memoir of Head, Heart, and Soul

    An ethical/spiritual journey leading from life as a devout Catholic girl from a Louisiana mill town to a mystical humanist Unitarian Universalist. Connects life experiences with intellectual, spiritual, and ethical growth.

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Enzar Empire Press