Process Theology and Biblical Interpretation
$4.54 – $6.99A short, carefully crafted introduction to what process thought can mean for building a good hermeneutic for the 21st century.
A group of books from a variety of perspectives to help you get deeper into Bible study.
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A short, carefully crafted introduction to what process thought can mean for building a good hermeneutic for the 21st century.
Do the things we believe about God as creator make any difference in the way we act in the world? Yes, what we believe about God as creator impacts our theology and action in many ways. In this book, Dr. David Moffett-Moore will examine some of these implications by looking at topics as diverse as…
The creation-evolution controversy is one of the most contentious in Christianity. It may appear to many to be much less important than issues with more direct moral implications. Yet how we view the relationship between science and religion will have a significant impact on how we live and on how we understand our faith and…
A comprehensive look at theological considerations regarding creation and origins.
Dr. Edward W. H. Vick has a reputation for being abstract and detailed, and both of those qualities, along with thoroughness and comprehensiveness describe this book. I’m the author of When People Speak for God, a book on the same topic written for a much more general audience, and if this book had been published before mine, I would have doubtless had a hundred footnotes to Dr. Vick’s work.
This book isn’t for everyone. It’s for the serious student. If you don’t want to think seriously about how the Bible came to be, how God inspires, and what this means for our studies, by all means avoid this book. But if you want to thoroughly study those issues making full use of philosophy and systematic theology, this book is for you.
“Since the rise of modern biblical scholarship there has not been unanimity as to how to characterize Paul. He has been praised for having delivered Christianity from Judaism. Lately it has been argued that he remained so thoroughly a Jew that he was not a Christian at all. Others think he became a Christian because…
From Scripture to self-proclaimed prophets on street corners we are surrounded by people who claim to speak for God. This book discusses the theology of revelation and looks at how to sort through the various claims, whether ancient or modern. When people claim to speak for God, don’t be manipulated!
From Scripture to self-proclaimed prophets on street corners we are surrounded by people who claim to speak for God. This book discusses the theology of revelation and looks at how to sort through the various claims, whether ancient or modern. When people claim to speak for God, don’t be manipulated!