Grace Across the River
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The grace of God functions subtly and often through very simple human actions. For one who will listen for God’s voice, the result can be miraculous.
Grace Across the River is about God’s grace and how He uses people to reach out and draw us to Him. Grace, the main character, finds herself right in the middle of God’s plan for a little town called Riverside, where she is led to open a multipurpose shop called The Seven Species.
In this prophetic allegory, there are themes of both the land and people of Israel running throughout, but the narrative also focuses on the spiritual realities that the Promised Land represents, revealing that the Kingdom of God is real and experiential.
The book begins with an old key that opens the door to Grace’s ancestral home, and as the story unfolds, it addresses victory over fears, emotional recovery and physical healing. God is always wanting to restore. He wants us to know this and believe it without a doubt.
Nancy Petrey –
Kingdom of God Living wherever the River Flows!
This novel, Grace Across the River, shows what a Christian’s life should be like. It describes true Christian service and living daily in the kingdom of God. The main character, Grace, is the epitome of a true Christian. The River of the water of Life flows through her and outward to people in need that she encounters. Her love for the Lord is not demonstrated in obligatory service. She is well aware of her acceptance in the Beloved and has no need to gain His approval by her performance. She extends this same grace to others in a natural way. The intriguing plot is not natural, however. It is supernatural. Broken lives are mended in surprising ways, and healing takes place, when Grace prays. Good things between alienated family members take place because Grace follows the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Grace gets to live out her dream by opening a store in her ancestral home. She delights to use her various God-given talents as a minister of reconciliation. The tension of reconciliation in Jewish-Christian relationships is addressed through bold faith and prayer. The reader will be inspired and challenged to act as a Good Samaritan and show forth the light of the Messiah. Scriptural teaching is handled well in this story. I strongly recommend the book for Christians of all levels of maturity. And the mysteries contained in the plot are very entertaining.