Can the Many Christian Churches Ever Be United?

by William Powell Tuck One of the most powerful movements sweeping across the Christian world is the quest for Church unity. Since the Second Vatican Council and the establishment of the World Council of Churches, many Christian bodies have labored diligently to see if the broken body of Christ, the Church, could be united. Many…

Rev. Dr. Robert R. LaRochelle and his books

Why All Christians Should Care about the New Pope

REFLECTIONS ON THE ELECTION OF A NEW POPE Rev. Dr. Robert R. LaRochelle Bob LaRochelle is the pastor of 2nd Congregational Church (UCC) in Manchester, CT and is author of Part-Time Pastor, Full-Time Church (Pilgrim Press, 2010), Crossing the Street (Energion Publications, 2012) and So Much Older Then … (Energion Publications, 2013). He was an…

Sincere but Unfortunate

by Dr. Robert LaRochelle Earlier this week, a piece of writing was brought to my attention which has caused considerable reaction out there in the blogosphere. In his Parchment and Pen blog, C. Michael Patton published an entry under the rather intriguing title of ‘Embracing Doubt’ or Why ‘Roman Catholic scholarship‘ is an Oxymoron.’ Mr….