Book Extract: I only preach a relational theology

Book Extract: I only preach a relational theology

This post is part of our ongoing discussion of the law in scripture. It is extracted from Finding Stability in Uncertain Times by Ron Higdon. Finding Stability in Uncertain Times, pp. 89-90 When Jesus was asked to give the greatest commandment in the Law, his reply essentially combined two Hebrew Scripture passages: “Love the Lord…

The Incredible Shrinking Gospel

Book Extract: The Story of Moses, Exodus, and Sinai

This book extract is posted as part of our discussion on the law in scripture. It is extracted from Lee Wyatt’s book The Incredible Shrinking Gospel. Note: This section of the book is introduced as Jesus, as a child, hearing the stories of his people from Hebrew scripture. Freedom for God: The Story of Moses,…

Perseverance and Salvation

Book Extract: Paul and James on Salvation and the Law

This extract is from pages 62-63 of Alexander Stewart‘s book Perseverance and Salvation in the Areopagus Critical Christian Issues series. It is posted as part of the discussion on the law. It is an irony of history that the only place in the Bible where the battle-cry of the Protestant Reformation, “faith alone” (sola fide),…

The Standard of the Law

The Standard of the Law

This post is part of our discussion on the law. Bruce Epperly’s article on the lectionary for the third Sunday in Lent was cited as a related article. This is a response to Bruce Epperly post titled “The Adventurous Lectionary -The Third Sunday in Lent” found here I want to thank Bruce for laboring over…

Steve Kindle on the Purpose of the Law

Steve Kindle on the Purpose of the Law

It appears that neither Israel, Luke, or the Revelator got it right (John anticipating it happening in his lifetime). Now some 2,000 years since the Jesus movement began, can we say that the church got it right? Steve Kindle, The Law’s Inevitable Tension between Ideal and Reality Steve’s post is included in our discussion of…