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Allan R. Bevere: God's Will – A Roadmap or a Canvas?

by Dr. Allan R. Bevere, pastor, professor and author of Colossians and Philemon: A Participatory Study Guide, The Politics of Witness: The Character of the Church in the World, and The Character of our Discontent. Too many Christians often compare God’s will to a road map with very specific directions from the Almighty they need to discover–…

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Henry E. Neufeld: Thanks for the Beer

by Henry E. Neufeld, publisher, teacher, and author of Stories of the Way, When People Speak for God, Not Ashamed of the Gospel: Confessions of a Liberal Charismatic, What’s in a Version? and more!   Sam (short for Samson, not Samuel), picked up the stein of beer he had just paid for, gave it an initial taste to savor…

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Chris Surber: A Blue Christmas and City Slickers

by Dr. Chris Surber, pastor, director of Supply and Multiply ministry to Haiti, and author of A Cup of Cold Water, Rendering Unto Caesar: Examining What Jesus Said About Giving God What is His, and more! Published in the Suffolk News-Herald, December 5, 2016 in the Opinion Column: It’s almost cliché to say that people are…

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Bob Cornwall: Solidarity

by Dr. Robert D. Cornwall, pastor and author, from his blog, Ponderings on a Faith Journey. Author of Faith in the Public Square, Ultimate Allegiance: The Subversive Nature of the Lord’s Prayer, Unfettered Spirit: Spiritual Gifts for the New Great Awakening, Marriage in Interesting Times: A Pariticipatory Study Guide,and more!   An election has taken place. We have a President-Elect….

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Shauna Hyde: Touching the Face of God

by Rev. Shauna Hyde, is a pastor, mother, a black belt in Shota Khaun karate, and author of Victim No More!, Fifty Shades of Grace, and Vicar of Tent Town. This is from Shauna’s blog, shaunahyde.com, May 12, 2016. Religion is my life. It really is that simple. I not only live it, I study it, teach it,…

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Allan R. Bevere: Living Life Out of Control

by Dr. Allan R. Bevere, pastor, professor, blogger [Faith Seeking Understanding] and author of Politics of Witness, Colossians and Philemon, and Character of our Discontent. I was involved in an interesting discussion recently on the idea that we human beings forge our own destinies and how that squares with the Bible’s affirmation that our lives are in the…

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Bob Cornwall: What Use is God?

by Dr. Robert D. Cornwall, pastor and author, from his blog, Ponderings on a Faith Journey. Author of Ultimate Allegiance: The Subversive Nature of the Lord’s Prayer, Unfettered Spirit: Spiritual Gifts for the New Great Awakening, Marriage in Interesting Times: A Pariticipatory Study Guide, and more! What use is God if God can’t or won’t prevent evil from occurring? That’s…

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Allan Bevere: We Need the Whole of Scripture for Christian Ethics

from the personal blog of Dr. Allan Bevere, pastor, professor, and author of Politics of Witness: The Character of the Church in the World, Colossians and Philemon: A Participatory Study Guide, and more Christians have always struggled to view the whole of Scripture as authoritative in a practical sense, but it has become fashionable of late to…

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David Alan Black: A New School Year and a Favorite Book

from David Alan Black‘s blogsite, jesusparadigm.com. I’m really looking forward to a fun and exciting fall semester, not least because I’m teaching NT Intro again for the first time in several years. The course covers Acts – Revelation, which means that, if I time things just right, the semester will end before I have to discuss…