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Bruce Epperly: Ruth, Esther, and Process-Relational Theology

by Dr. Bruce G. Epperly, pastor, professor and author of Process Theology: Embracing Adventure with God, Ruth and Esther: Women of Agency and Adventure, and more!   The Bible is a book of relationships and nowhere is it more evident than in the Books of Ruth and Esther. Ruth’s and Naomi’s survival depends on their care for…

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Edward W.H. Vick: Interpreting Scripture

by Dr. Edward W. H. Vick, author of From Inspiration to Understanding: Reading the Bible Seriously and Faithfully, Philosophy for Believers, Creation: The Christian Doctrine and more! Being Faithful to the Text Since the Scriptures are in some sense fundamental for the Christian theologian, how is he to be faithful to them in constructing theology? What does it…

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William Powell Tuck: There Are Many Lessons from Failure

by Dr. William P. Tuck, author of The Church Under the Cross, The Journey to the Undiscovered Country, Overcoming Sermon Block: The Preacher’s Workshop, The Last Words from the Cross, Holidays, Holy Days and Special Days: Preaching Through the Year and more! His blogsite is: friarsfragment.com Many people in life have experienced failure. Moses wanted to go into the Promised…

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Herold Weiss: Paul Did Not Teach Righteousness by Faith

by Dr. Herold Weiss, author of Meditations on the Letters of Paul Martin Luther’s argument against the selling of indulgences to shorten one’s stay in purgatory before reaching heaven was a courageous and necessary attack on a grievous abuse of ecclesiastical authority. The ninety five theses he nailed to the door of the church at the university…

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Thomas Hudgins: Satan, Judas, and the Events Leading Up to the Cross

by Dr. Thomas Hudgins, translator of Aprenda a Leer el Griego del Nuevo Testamento How did Jesus go from walking around Galilee, teaching the multitudes, healing the sick, and dining in people’s homes to having his body marred more than any other human in history and eventually giving his life for the sins of the world…

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Has the multiplicity of interpretations made the bible incomprehensible? —NO!

[EDITOR’S NOTE: This post is part of our series on controversial questions. A NO post will normally follow a YES post. Join in by posting your comments.] by Edward W. H. Vick In the sixteenth century there was a major conflict within Christianity. It was over the Bible. Before then it was only available in…

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Has the multiplicity of interpretations made the Bible incomprehensible? —YES

[EDITOR’S NOTE: This post is part of our series on controversial questions. A NO post will normally follow a YES post. Join in by posting your comments.] by Steve Kindle For those of us in the West, once the Roman Catholic Church lost its hegemonic hold on the content of the faith, it’s become “every…

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How Does Science Inform Biblical Interpretation?

by Steve Kindle “By identifying the new learning with heresy, you make orthodoxy synonymous with ignorance.” ~Erasmus What follows in this post is my personal reflection on Dr. Vick’s post which ran yesterday. Although I hope he finds this compatible with his own view, he may not. He is only responsible for prodding me to…