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Ronald Higdon: There's Always Something I Can Do

by Dr. Ronald Higdon, author of In Changing Times: A Guide for Reflection and Contemplation and Surviving a Son’s Suicide It immediately caught my attention because I felt it spoke so clearly to the predicament many feel has taken over their lives. It was the account of a conference for pastors that was being held in New…

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Bruce Epperly: Ruth, Esther, and Process-Relational Theology

by Dr. Bruce G. Epperly, pastor, professor and author of Process Theology: Embracing Adventure with God, Ruth and Esther: Women of Agency and Adventure, and more!   The Bible is a book of relationships and nowhere is it more evident than in the Books of Ruth and Esther. Ruth’s and Naomi’s survival depends on their care for…

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David Alan Black: A Mountain to Climb

by Dr. David Alan Black, author of The Jesus Paradigm, Why Four Gospels?, Seven Marks of a New Testament Church: A Guide for Christians of All Ages (available in Simplified Mandarin) and more! Dr. Black also blogs at daveblackonline.com/blog.htm I came to Zermatt in search of a summit or two — and, like Terry Fox, the Canadian who ran thousands…

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William Powell Tuck: There Are Many Lessons from Failure

by Dr. William P. Tuck, author of The Church Under the Cross, The Journey to the Undiscovered Country, Overcoming Sermon Block: The Preacher’s Workshop, The Last Words from the Cross, Holidays, Holy Days and Special Days: Preaching Through the Year and more! His blogsite is: friarsfragment.com Many people in life have experienced failure. Moses wanted to go into the Promised…

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Liz Brown: Am I Not Enough? Pandora's box flung open

This month, Energion Publications’ author, Dr. Harvey R. Brown, Jr., shares, with her permission, his daughter Liz’s post from her blog, The Single Side. Dr. Brown’s contribution to Energion Publications’ Topical Line Drives Series is a book entitled Forgiveness: Finding Freedom from Your Past. From Dr. Brown: Liz Brown used to be “Bitsy,” but she fired…

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Herold Weiss: Paul Did Not Teach Righteousness by Faith

by Dr. Herold Weiss, author of Meditations on the Letters of Paul Martin Luther’s argument against the selling of indulgences to shorten one’s stay in purgatory before reaching heaven was a courageous and necessary attack on a grievous abuse of ecclesiastical authority. The ninety five theses he nailed to the door of the church at the university…

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Bruce Epperly: The Book of Ruth, Gleaning, and the Social Safety Net

by Dr. Bruce Epperly Leviticus 19:9-10 proclaims: When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and…


David Moffett-Moore: Book Review of "The Making of an Ordinary Saint" by Nathan Foster

Book Review by Dr. David Moffett-Moore The Making of an Ordinary Saint: My Journey from Frustration to Joy with the Spiritual Disciplines. Nathan Foster. Baker Books. Grand Rapids. 2014. Nathan Foster is the adult son of Richard Foster, author of the classic Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth. This book is his reflection…


Doris Murdoch: Our New Bodies, Transformed, Transfigured, and Glorified with Christ

– by Doris Murdoch From my recent Holy Land journey: Jesus on the shores of Galilee in the towns of Tabgha and Capernaum, along with Jerusalem, where He manifested Himself before His disciples.   In John 20:14-17, we read about the first person to see the resurrected Jesus before He ascended into heaven. In this scripture, we read…