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Edward W.H. Vick: How Not To Believe

by Dr. Edward W.H. Vick, retired professor and author of Death, Immortality and Resurrection, From Inspiration to Understanding: Reading the Bible Seriously and Faithfully, Philosophy for Believers, Creation: The Christian Doctrine, History and Christian Faith and more! Does that question mean that we try as believer to say how to believe, or does it mean that…

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Edward W.H. Vick: Acquired Tastes, Required Tastes and Authority

by Dr. Edward W.H. Vick, retired professor and author of From Inspiration to Understanding: Reading the Bible Seriously and Faithfully, Creation: The Christian Doctrine, Philosophy for Believers, and more!   We all have acquired tastes. Our first ones are gotten within the family. An obvious area is at the dining table. From childhood we get what we are…

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Edward W.H. Vick: Interpreting Scripture

by Dr. Edward W. H. Vick, author of From Inspiration to Understanding: Reading the Bible Seriously and Faithfully, Philosophy for Believers, Creation: The Christian Doctrine and more! Being Faithful to the Text Since the Scriptures are in some sense fundamental for the Christian theologian, how is he to be faithful to them in constructing theology? What does it…

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by Herold Weiss More than any other biblical book According to John is concerned with the necessity to distinguish what is true from what is false, what is genuine from what is spurious. Throughout the gospel one finds declarations concerning “the true light,” “the true bread,” “the true food,” “the true Israelite,” “the true shepherd,”…

Science, Religion, and Subjective Evidence
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Science, Religion, and Subjective Evidence

In our informal series of books on issues related to creation we’ve discussed how creation is represented in scripture, how one goes about forming a doctrine of creation that is truly Christian, and how someone who accepts evolution might reflect his in worship. Soon we will have a volume on how our understanding of God…

Elgin Hushbeck: The Evidence Is Not All Equal

Elgin Hushbeck: The Evidence Is Not All Equal

The crucial question for a Christian in the second chapter is the relationship between testimony, belief, and knowledge. How important is historical testimony to your beliefs as a Christian?  What about contemporary testimony, for example, claims of a miracle? In the second chapter of his book Philosophy for Believers  Edward Vick reviews and clarifies some…