From SAD to GLAD

by David Moffett-Moore   [ene_ptp]We live in a time of unparalleled, immeasurable, and uncontrollable change. The cell phone in our pocket is more powerful than all the computers used for our lunar landing, and that cell phone is obsolete before we can buy it. Everything is changing, and the change is happening at an ever…

Religious Language and Postmodern Ears: Repent vs. Turn

by Kent Ira Groff   [ene_ptp]In Lake Wobegon, says Garrison Keillor, “All the Norwegians were Lutherans, of course, even the atheists—it was a Lutheran God they did not believe in.” The theism a lot of atheists reject describes a God I cannot believe in either. Many grew up, as I did, with an emotionally or physically absent…

Welcoming the Immigrant? Wisdom and Guidance from the Book of Ruth

by Bruce Epperly   [ene_ptp]The outcry against immigrants is great these days. Candidates vie with one another in terms of who will be harshest in responding to undocumented workers in our land and how to most vigorously protect our southern border from hordes of immigrants from Mexico and Central America. “Build a wall!” one candidate…