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Introducing Reiki Healing Touch as Prayer with Your Hands

Spirituality takes many forms – silence, breath prayer, visualization, and healing touch. Authentic spirituality embraces the body as well as spirit and mind. When you experience healing touch, your spirit is also transformed. Our cells and souls experience healing when God’s energy flows in and through us. In addition to my daily practices of centering…

Gathering of the Eternal Five: Haracio and Maria Elena Come to Call

CHAPTER Thirteen And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone, and sat upon it. His appearance was like lightning and his raiment white as snow. And for fear of him the guards trembled and became like dead men.    Matthew 28:…

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I Am an Evangelical – Of a Liberal Sort!

The word “evangelical” has taken on negative connotations in many circles. While it has traditionally been used (in the United States) to designate conservative Protestants who are Biblicist in their reading of the Bible (insists that the Bible is inerrant/infallible) and believe that one’s salvation is dependent on affirming Jesus as one’s savior and lord….

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History, the Confederacy, and Monuments

Recently here on EDN, Robert Cornwall had an excellent article on the need to study history. On that point I completely agree. That said, I thought the view of history in the article he recommended was a bit binary and one sided. To be sure, there is a lot of truth in the description of…


Myths, metaphors, mysteries and making it up: theology meets fiction

There is a saying which I’ve seen variously attributed to African, Amerind and Asian wise men, which goes “I don’t know if it happened this way, but I know this story is true”. A little while ago, I blogged on the back of a short story by Ursula le Guin called “The Ones Who Walk…