• We begin praying prayers of babes and infants, for that is what we are.
  • We pray as children when we are children.
  • We learn our bedtime prayers and table graces, offering simple verses that can be easily memorized, learned in our hearts.
  • We know them by heart, which is a good lesson for us to remember as adults. We know by heart and are known by heart.
  • We live our lives in the heart of God.
  • Later we learn more formal prayers, longer prayers, and more eloquent prayers. These are certainly appropriate as we mature, but they are not better prayers, however much they may reflect our growing maturity.
  • We may even learn to pray extemporaneously: with our own words, our own thoughts, our own feelings, we learn to express ourselves.
  • At some point, we pray our first prayer that is truly heartfelt.
  • Text from Pathways to Prayer by David Moffett-Moore

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