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Caring Ministries

Showing all 4 results

  • Bruce Epperly on Faith, Hope, and Love in a Time of Crisis

    Faith, Hope, and Love in Crisis Package


    What could be more helpful in a time of crisis than to think about faith, hope, and love, and apply them to living? This package includes three books (paperback edition) by Dr. Bruce Epperly written in a time of pandemic, but also valuable for thinking about life in any time of crisis. The retail price…

  • Love Me to Life (Front Cover)

    Love Me to Life


    How the church can respond effectively and lovingly to those impacted by suicide and related crises.

  • When the Casseroles Are Gone


    The Faith Community’s Response to Grief

    How can a church community respond effectively to the needs of those who have suffered loss? This is a practical guide.

  • Grief: Finding the Candle of Light


    Are you separated from someone you love: mother, father, sister, brother, wife, husband, child, friend, pet? Separated from a career you love? Separated from a home you love? Separated from the life you thought would continue on the road you were traveling? If you are, then you are dealing with grief. Grief is the sorrow and…

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Enzar Empire Press