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Church Health

Rather than telling you about church growth, or church buildings, the books in this category discuss how to have a healthy church, with “health” defined as “accomplishing what God has called the church do.” Your healthy church might even have to lose some members. Who knows for certain? The question is whether your church is prepared to carry out its mission in its community, however far that community may extend.

Showing 1–12 of 19 results

  • Sale!

    Church Ahead


    A practical guide, solidly theologically rooted, to spiritual practices that will strengthen your church and expand your mission to your community.

  • Is Anybody There? Does Anybody Care?


    Is renewal possible for a church threatened with closure?

  • Love Me to Life (Front Cover)

    Love Me to Life


    How the church can respond effectively and lovingly to those impacted by suicide and related crises.

  • Process Theology and the Revival We Need


    A positive progressive response to revival movements.

  • Wind and Whirlwind: Being a Pastor in a Storm of Change


    It will come as no surprise to pastors and their families that the vocation of a minister involves stress. In fact, it involves a great deal of stress. Unfortunately, when many pastors encounter stress they tend to hunker down in the hopes of just surviving. All too frequently the stressful situations that have not been…

  • Ditch the Building


    Subtitle: Seven Ways the Church Could Go Rogue and Change Everything Sometimes going radical means getting to the root. Sometimes it means pulling something up by the roots. What is it that is keeping you from doing what God wants you to do? There are many books about how to do church “right.” There are…

  • Faith in the Public Square


    Preview / Retailers What happens when a newspaper editor gives his primary editorial slot on Sundays to a pastor? In the case of Bob Cornwall, a pastor in Troy, Michigan, the result is a series of relevant, interesting, and challenging essays that go well beyond the local scene while still managing to be relevant to…

  • Holy Smoke! Unholy Fire!


    Dr. Bob McKibben shares from his heart his understanding of the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit within the local church. Combining his experience as a pastor, study as a biblical teacher, and a commitment to sound Biblical principles, Bob provides a checklist for pastors and churches to use in ministry and worship as…

  • I’m Right and You’re Wrong: Why We Disagree about the Bible and What to Do about It


    Why do well-meaning, intelligent people disagree about the Bible? What should I do when people disagree? How can I use disagreement to help me understand the Bible more clearly? If I can’t agree with someone on how to read the Bible, does it mean the end of fellowship? How many times have you had a…

  • In Changing Times: A Guide for Reflection and Conversation


    Being in ministry means dealing with change. In fact, living itself means dealing with change. Church leadership, however organized, will have to deal with change. This book looks at the types of change that might occur in ministry and the difficulties involved and presents practical approaches to dealing with conflict and change in a postive,…

  • Out of the Office: A Theology of Ministry


    Theology is often seen as a discussion of dry doctrines, suitable mostly for academic institutions, but separated from the practice of faith. In this third volume of the Academy of Parish Clergy’s Conversations in Ministry series Dr. Bob Cornwall, church historian, theologian, and pastor, shows the ways in which one’s theology shapes one’s ministry in…

  • Sept marques d’une église du Nouveau Testament


    Qu’elle église?  À quoi cela ressemble-t-elle?  À quoi devrait-elle ressembler? Pour répondre à ces questions, David Alan Black se penche sur l’église du premier siècle et sur nos documents des fondateurs dans le Nouveau Testament. Quelles étaient les caractéristiques d’une assemblée chrétienne au premier siècle? Dans son étude, il trouve sept éléments qui définissent ensuite…

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