The latest book from Energion
You can check out my review of the latest book from Energion’s Areopagus Series, Except for Fornication: The Teaching of the Lord Jesus on Divorce and Remarriage here: Book Review: Except for Fornication
You can check out my review of the latest book from Energion’s Areopagus Series, Except for Fornication: The Teaching of the Lord Jesus on Divorce and Remarriage here: Book Review: Except for Fornication
I read an interesting editorial this morning at Fox News: What If Tim Tebow Were A Muslim? The author suggests that the frequent mockery he receives would be largely absent if he were a devout Muslim instead of a devout Christian: Imagine for a second, the Denver Broncos quarterback is a devout follower of Islam,…
In our increasingly politically and culturally polarized nation we are seeing battle-lines being drawn by two groups, groups that stand outside of the traditional political process and that are shaking the political landscape. These two groups, the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street, have very different goals even if some of their rhetoric sounds superficially…
This initial post is intended as a marker, a flag of sorts marking out where I am coming from. Living as a Christian, the “how do we live now?” question is a complex question and is so all-encompassing that any effort to address it as a whole is borderline foolishness. My intent is to break…
And the Good News Is: — Willliam Boyd Grove (@wboydgrove) September 10, 2011 This is a link that Bishop Grove put out there on twitter. I guess we should just be parting happily with our money…… How does this factor into rendering unto Ceasar what is Ceasar’s?
My name is Geoff Smith. I accidentally helped start the Under Christ’s Archy project. I’m currently a teacher of math, rhetoric, and Bible at a small Christian high school. As you can see in my profile, I am scheduled to be married on October 15, 2011. I hope to contribute a to this project in…
Welcome to Christ’s Archy! My name is Arthur Sido and I am excited to be part of this project. First a little bio for those who don’t know me and perhaps for some who do. I am rapidly charging toward my 40th birthday and I have been a Christian for about the last quarter of…
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