The latest book from Energion
You can check out my review of the latest book from Energion’s Areopagus Series, Except for Fornication: The Teaching of the Lord Jesus on Divorce and Remarriage here: Book Review: Except for Fornication
You can check out my review of the latest book from Energion’s Areopagus Series, Except for Fornication: The Teaching of the Lord Jesus on Divorce and Remarriage here: Book Review: Except for Fornication
On my blog, I’ve shared some thoughts and reflections of September 11, 2001, that day ten years ago when Muslim terrorists flew airplanes into the twin towers of the World Trade Center complex and into the Pentagon. The post is called “9/11, American Patriotism, and the Kingdom of God.” In many ways, our reactions to…
This initial post is intended as a marker, a flag of sorts marking out where I am coming from. Living as a Christian, the “how do we live now?” question is a complex question and is so all-encompassing that any effort to address it as a whole is borderline foolishness. My intent is to break…
Hello! I’m Henry Neufeld, administrator of this site. You won’t hear from me often, but today I extracted some material written by one of the authors of the books you see in the sidebar. He’s David Alan Black, author of the book Christian Archy. I thought there were some very important points he made. Since…
I’m Henry Neufeld, owner of Energion Publications, and I want to welcome you to Under Christ’s Archy. To find out more about what will be happening on this site, please read the home page. Writers will be gathering here and introducing themselves over the next few days. I won’t be writing here except for this…
Something happened this week that caused me to stop and reflect a little. I have gotten somewhat immune to the reactions I get as a female preacher. I have been argued with, informed that hell was my future (as well as all my congregants), I have been banned from places, barred from associations, and even…
by Henry Neufeld, Energion Publisher We rolled out a new theme over the weekend. More about that in a few paragraphs … A couple of months ago I sent out an e-mail to a few of the people whose advice I count on regarding the slogan we use on the Energion Publications web site: Educate!…
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