Searching for Love
The following video is a sermon preached by Pat Badstibner, president of World Prayr, Inc. He was preaching at The Mill Church in South Carolina. Pat and his team are responsible for the book Walking in God’s Grace.
The following video is a sermon preached by Pat Badstibner, president of World Prayr, Inc. He was preaching at The Mill Church in South Carolina. Pat and his team are responsible for the book Walking in God’s Grace.
Last night I had the privilege of chatting with Harvey Brown, Jr., author of the book Forgiveness: Finding Freedom from Your Past in the Topical Line Drives series. One of the key lines, which I paraphrase, was when Harvey said that if a pastor truly preached grace and forgiveness every week from the pulpit he…
by Bruce Epperly Paul is the theologian of grace. God’s grace transformed his life, turning him from persecutor to proclaimer, and assuring him that he was a new creation, despite his past behavior. Over the years, many who see themselves as Pauline theologically believe that God does everything and that we do nothing. Left…
Question: “We know that because Jesus is our Shepherd, we can find contentment, experience courage, enjoy communion, and live in confidence despite the valley of the shadow of death and the presence of enemies. (My exposition of Psalm 23) … But hearing, meditating, and considering this truth, why do we not regularly find contentment, experience…
by Pat Badstibner, President of World Prayr, Inc. Danger, Danger Will Robison they’re going to preach verse-by-verse this morning. Now, before I get started let me say that some of my favorite teachers are expositors and I love good expository preaching, but often it is nothing more than instructions on how to be better, have…
A Response to Steve Kindle This post is part of our series, Discussing the Law in Scripture. It is written in response to Steve Kindle’s article The Law’s Inevitable Tension between Ideal and Reality. Steve makes a bold and faithful statement here in this article “As noted by scholars from Von Rad, Noth, to Bruggemann,…
For the next 48 hours, starting at 4:30 pm U. S. central time on January 25, 2019, the ebook for Walking in God’s Grace will be free. You can use the preview widget below. Preview and Learn More
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