Dr. Robert D. Cornwall – Office Stock Specials
The following books by Dr. Robert D. Cornwall are currently 50% off while in-office stock lasts.
The following books by Dr. Robert D. Cornwall are currently 50% off while in-office stock lasts.
Spirituality takes many forms – silence, breath prayer, visualization, and healing touch. Authentic spirituality embraces the body as well as spirit and mind. When you experience healing touch, your spirit is also transformed. Our cells and souls experience healing when God’s energy flows in and through us. In addition to my daily practices of centering…
The ebook editions of these three books, Process Theology and Mysticism, Process Theology and Prophetic Faith, and Process Theology and Healing, have been available since December 5, but there was a delay in the print editions. We will be honoring pre-order pricing of $6.99$4.99 through January 31. Shipping will begin early next week. See An…
Each part of Dr. Dolly Berthelot’s meandering professional and personal life has enriched one another and led to where she is today: an intellectually thriving though physically unpredictable 77-year-old author with countless articles and poems and several quite varying books published across decades—and more now waiting in line. Her career has included innovative public school…
Dr. Wesley has drawn the blueprint for a restoration project of the deacon ministry. Cutting through ministry walls decayed by time and tradition, personality and preference, The Seven restores God’s original design for this servant office. Grounded in Scripture, supported through the testimonies of godly men, this valuable resource will bless new and seasoned ministers,…
from David Alan Black‘s blogsite, jesusparadigm.com. I’m really looking forward to a fun and exciting fall semester, not least because I’m teaching NT Intro again for the first time in several years. The course covers Acts – Revelation, which means that, if I time things just right, the semester will end before I have to discuss…
What do you think it means to be filled with the Spirit? Thomas Hudgins suggests just continuing to read Ephesians 5:18-21 to discover what will happen when we’re filled with the Spirit (audio only). Thomas Hudgins led the team that translated Aprenda a Leer el Griego del Nuevo Testamento (David Alan Black, author). He…
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