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Showing 1–12 of 14 results

  • Marriage Equality: Why Same-sex Marriage Is Good for the Church and Nation


    Support for marriage equality is booming across America and the world. As people become more acquainted with gays and lesbians, they find their attitudes shifting and are rethinking their opposition not only to same-sex marriage but to gay rights in general. This book introduces the gay community to those who want to know more about…

  • A Home United: A Participatory Study Guide


    Dr Robert LaRochelle has a passion for reaching across the lines of division and guiding both sides to a place of dialogue, maybe even a place of agreement. Marriage is not an easy merger when the two parties are coming from diverse faith beliefs. Bob LaRochelle brings not only his passion to facilitate communication but…

  • Except for Fornication: The Teaching of the Lord Jesus on Divorce and Remarriage


    What did Jesus really teach about divorce and remarriage? How should we react to this in the church? Except for Fornication is a brief study, less than 80 pages, of statements in the Gospels relating to divorce and remarriage. Dr. Parunak examines the background and context of the statements of Jesus regarding divorce and relates…

  • Fifty Shades of Grace


    Fifty Shades of Grace provides a scriptural look at what the Bible says about relationships. Too often in the education of relationships, abusive and unhealthy relationships if discussed are not done so with enough depth. This book will compare what society tells us, in the form of entertainment and media, with what God tells us…

  • Finding God in Suffering: A Journey with Job


    Death. Illness. Divorce. Unexpected. Undeserved. In this world there is going to be suffering and pain. As a person of faith, we are not exempt from that undeniable fact. What do we do? Where is God when the pain is unbearable and the night so long? How do we reach out to others with something…

  • Letting My Light Shine: Musical Memoirs


    Nancy Petrey is a recorded pianist, as well as serving as a church pianist. From age 5 to age 78, her life has been filled with music. The title of this, her fifth book, is taken from her life verse: “Let your light so shine before men, that they will see your good works and…

  • Marriage in Interesting Times: A Participatory Study Guide


    This is a study guide on marriage. Discussions include: covenant vs contract, concepts of biblical marriage, loneliness and looking for a mate, the realities of divorce, and family in the larger community. I titled the study guide “Marriage in Interesting Times,” because we are living at a time when profound changes in the way marriage…

  • My Life Story (Simplified Mandarin)


    My Life Story by Becky Lynn Black isn’t a celebrity autobiography. It’s better. Becky’s story is a testimony. We are promised we can overcome through the word of our testimonies (Rev. 12:11). A testimony doesn’t just tell a story to satisfy curiosity. It presents a divine call. The story in this book will call you to…

  • Tending the Tree of Life: Preaching and Worship Through Reproductive Loss and Adoption


    There is nothing quite so valuable as a book that is rooted in difficult and real personal experience, constructed with sound theological thinking, and applied in a practical manner. That combination is rare, but Richard Voelz manages it in this book. Often those who are in ministry, in positions of leadership in the church, fail…

  • Sale!

    Tending the Tree of Life: Preaching and Worship Through Reproductive Loss and Adoption (Office Stock)

    Original price was: $12.99.Current price is: $8.99.

    There is nothing quite so valuable as a book that is rooted in difficult and real personal experience, constructed with sound theological thinking, and applied in a practical manner. That combination is rare, but Richard Voelz manages it in this book. Often those who are in ministry, in positions of leadership in the church, fail…

  • The Unbroken Road


    “I turned the corner. The aisle stretched before me as the music escalated. My white slippers brushed over the red roses.My heart thumped. I had waited so long for this moment. Had I really made it this far? Hundreds of eyes twinkled their approval.But did they really think I was crazy? I could almost hear…

  • To Date or Not to Date: What the Bible Says about Premarital Relationships


    Not content to just say “no,” Kevin Brown sets about to give us a positive view of godly relationships. What does the Bible suggest about the way we should go about finding a partner? How should children and young people behave? What are the responsibilities of parents? Kevin Brown believes there are positive principles we…

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