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Christian Living

Books on living the Christian life. This category has a broad overlap with the ministry, devotional, and theology categories, but emphasis is on how one lives as a Christian outside the professional ministry and not as an academic theologian.

Showing 37–48 of 121 results

  • Sale!

    What Color Am I?


    Note: Now shipping! We’re extending the pre-order pricing for another few days to give you a chance to get this important book at the reduced rate. How can a parent or grandparent of an African-American child talk about protests, race relations, and violence in a way that is consistent with their faith in God? Tamika…

  • When Hearts Heal


    “How can you mend a broken heart …” said the Bee Gees many years ago. As Linda Estes, along with most of us, knows, bruised and broken hearts are part of this life. How we deal with the brokenness is as diverse as we are. Linda reminds us that our LORD is the One who…

  • When the Casseroles Are Gone


    The Faith Community’s Response to Grief

    How can a church community respond effectively to the needs of those who have suffered loss? This is a practical guide.

  • Sale!

    Wonder Where All the Wonder Went?


    This book is about recapturing (or finding for the first time) some of the joys of existence.  It’s about learning to sing the Lord’s song in a strange time. It’s about finding that spark that brings your first thought on arising each morning: This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.

  • A Cup of Cold Water: Being Jesus to the “Least of These”


    A “chance” meeting with a thirsty little girl on a back street in Haiti and God’s plan is received by the author, forever changing his life and that of his family. “And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup and of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to…

  • A Home United: A Participatory Study Guide


    Dr Robert LaRochelle has a passion for reaching across the lines of division and guiding both sides to a place of dialogue, maybe even a place of agreement. Marriage is not an easy merger when the two parties are coming from diverse faith beliefs. Bob LaRochelle brings not only his passion to facilitate communication but…

  • A Positive Word for Christian Lamenting: Funeral Homilies


    One of the most difficult tasks that may confront a pastor is the preaching of a funeral homily. What are the words that will provide comfort and encouragement to the family and friends of the deceased? What words will be faithful to the message of the gospel and the community of faith? William Powell Tuck,…

  • Aging is Not Optional: How We Handle It – Is


    In a youth-oriented culture where old age is almost regarded as the unpardonable sin, there is not much space in our daily lives for the discussion of the one reality that is inescapable – aging. This book brings the good news that discussions about aging can bring new purpose, meaning, and hope to all of…

  • All I Need to Know I’m Still Learning at 80: Things I’m Still Working On


    Those who have lived eight decades in this world often feel the need to write about their life experiences or life philosophies. If that person has lived a varied, experiential life and shows good spiritual fruit in that life, it might be wise of those who are coming after them to read and listen to…

  • Assenting to the Eternal: Kingdom Exchanges Revealed


    If the future generation of Christians has been fed on milk-soaked Twinkies, Assenting to the Eternal: Kingdom Exchanges Revealed is distinguished as free-range meat with a side of organic carrots and potatoes. It’s health-food for the believer’s spirit. It’s oil for their long-enduring lamps and a blanket of comfort for the cold nights they lie…

  • Be an Encourager


    It has been said that we need at least ten times as many encouragers as any other gifting in the Body of Jesus Christ. In a world that sets usually unatainable and even inappropriate standards and tells us we can “have it all,” we need encouragers who remind us of the true standards of God….

  • Conversations with my Grandchildren About God, Religion, and Life


    Passing our faith from generation to generation is difficult. It has been this way from the time that Cain killed his brother, through Israel’s call for a king because Samuel’s sons were not like him, up to the present day when children reject their parents’ faith. Prolific author (37 books and counting!) William Powell Tuck…

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