$5.85 – $9.00Kamden and Nana talk about true friends.
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“God’s son, Jesus, was born for all mankind,” Kamden said to Nana. “Does that mean me too?” “Yes, it does,”said Nana. Do we want Christmas to mean more to our children than Santa Claus and presents? When do we start having those conversations with them? In the Kamden Faith Journey Series’ 5th book, The Birth,…
Passing our faith from generation to generation is difficult. It has been this way from the time that Cain killed his brother, through Israel’s call for a king because Samuel’s sons were not like him, up to the present day when children reject their parents’ faith. Prolific author (37 books and counting!) William Powell Tuck…
My Life Story by Becky Lynn Black isn’t a celebrity autobiography. It’s better. Becky’s story is a testimony. We are promised we can overcome through the word of our testimonies (Rev. 12:11). A testimony doesn’t just tell a story to satisfy curiosity. It presents a divine call. The story in this book will call you to…
As many Christians bemoan the deterioration of “family values” in our society, have we, as Christian parents, abdicated our responsibility by spiritually abandoning our children?Although the church has a part in our children’s spiritual education are we not accountable before God for the spiritual development of our children? Statistics reveal that Christian parents are rarely…
Most of us today would agree that the children of this new millennium are growing up in a world that is filled with pitfalls and treacherous paths that previous generations have not had to negotiate. How do we prepare these children to not only survive these paths but be victorious? Father, former youth pastor, and…
A grandmother who loves spending time with her grandchildren and wants to share that God is Creator and Father and loves them. Sound familiar? Join Kamden as he learns about God, not just facts, but through the testimony of his life and his grandmother’s.
There is nothing quite so valuable as a book that is rooted in difficult and real personal experience, constructed with sound theological thinking, and applied in a practical manner. That combination is rare, but Richard Voelz manages it in this book. Often those who are in ministry, in positions of leadership in the church, fail…
There is nothing quite so valuable as a book that is rooted in difficult and real personal experience, constructed with sound theological thinking, and applied in a practical manner. That combination is rare, but Richard Voelz manages it in this book. Often those who are in ministry, in positions of leadership in the church, fail…
Kamden continues on his faith journey as Nana and Papa teach him the importance of family: Father God, as well as his earthly family. Join Kamden’s family around the holiday dinner table. God bless you all!
“I turned the corner. The aisle stretched before me as the music escalated. My white slippers brushed over the red roses.My heart thumped. I had waited so long for this moment. Had I really made it this far? Hundreds of eyes twinkled their approval.But did they really think I was crazy? I could almost hear…
Not content to just say “no,” Kevin Brown sets about to give us a positive view of godly relationships. What does the Bible suggest about the way we should go about finding a partner? How should children and young people behave? What are the responsibilities of parents? Kevin Brown believes there are positive principles we…