Rubber Meets the Road – Fall
Our intrepid traveler, Iris Lloyd, has sent us some pictures from her Fall travels. I hope all of us take some time to look at the splendor of God in all the colors of His creation. – The Editor
Our intrepid traveler, Iris Lloyd, has sent us some pictures from her Fall travels. I hope all of us take some time to look at the splendor of God in all the colors of His creation. – The Editor
Timothy, my son, I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may fight the good fight, holding on to faith and a good conscience. Some have rejected theses and so have shipwrecked their faith. 1 Timothy 1:18-19 (NIV) Erin McClellan, youth director, wife,…
Geoffrey D. Lentz is a native of Pensacola, Florida and serves as the associate pastor of First United Methodist Church in his hometown. With a B.A. degree in Psychology from the University of West Florida and a Master of Divinity from Duke University, Rev. Lentz combines his knowledge of ancient church history with creative and…
— Iris Lloyd If you have been following this column, you have come to understand that places are very interesting to us and very important to God. Even places that seem somewhat “secular” may have a meaning to God that, well, we just don’t get. Memphis is a place like that, I believe. On the…
Chris Lister has been mentoring someone ever since he was in ministry school in 1997. Born in Pensacola, FL, Chris struggled through an adolescence of alcohol and drugs until he was truly ‘saved’ from a life that could have ended in crime and early death. God opened the opportunity for service after ministry school when…
BSP: Soup Kitchen for the Soul begins as your testimony about how you found a closer relationship with God when you served at a local soup kitchen. What did you do at the soup kitchen? RC: It began with my husband and me standing behind the glass serving partition and just spooning out food. My…
by Robert MacDonald How can we begin to appreciate the gift that we have in the Psalms? They are more than just a random collection of poems. They are, when read together in sequence, a complex history of the people of Israel. This is a history that was written for all of us to learn…
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