Editor’s Table

My desk for work is also geographically located in my home. I am a detail person and a multi-tasker. For all the wonderful plus’s to having your own business, holidays are days that I can count on the business being ‘closed’ but it also means – no business and no money coming in. So my husband and I are working long hours, as many others must do, to finish work before the other offices shut down for the holidays.
In the middle of all of this scurrying around, there is Thanksgiving. I am alternately sad and relieved that I have no children who live within driving distance so we will not have any guests for a ‘table-groaning’ meal. I won’t be cooking for 10 hours. Now I am sad that I won’t be cooking because if I was the table would be full – of people I love.
Thanksgiving. Giving thanks for the ALL. Looking at what is the ALL and choosing to look for the “Thanks” any way. If life seems to be moving at warp speed and money is available at a snail’s speed, let’s work together on our list.
Thank You, LORD:
For putting me here. For giving me opportunities to be Your hands, Your feet; a leaky container of Your Love.
For the many friends. Some of them are my family. Some of them have been in my life for years and are solid gold. Some are new friends and You are refining us together.
For allowing me to be born in a country with freedom. May I never take it for granted.
For my family. For the gifts You have placed in them and the Kingdom work they are doing.
For the millions of ‘details’ that You made: a baby’s giggle, leaves turning colors, beaches that roar, mountains that stand in silent tribute, a touch that is gentle and yet strong in its presence.
For Your grace (love), mercy (forgiveness), and wisdom that You have promised in unending amounts.

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