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Allan R. Bevere: Living Life Out of Control

by Dr. Allan R. Bevere, pastor, professor, blogger [Faith Seeking Understanding] and author of Politics of Witness, Colossians and Philemon, and Character of our Discontent. I was involved in an interesting discussion recently on the idea that we human beings forge our own destinies and how that squares with the Bible’s affirmation that our lives are in the…

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Henry Neufeld: Why I Believe in Dialogue, Respect, and the Gospel Commission

by Henry Neufeld, publisher, editor, teacher and author of When People Speak for God, Stories of the Way, Not Ashamed of the Gospel: Confessions of a Liberal Charismatic and more! I’ve recently said and written a few things about the gospel commission, including my claim in my concluding presentation for my video series on eschatology that eschatology is all about…

Thomas W. Hudgins: Does Jesus Hate Titles In His Church?

by Dr. Thomas W. Hudgins, professor, author and translator of Aprenda a Leer el Griego del Nuevo Testamento. Pastor so-and-so. Senior Pastor. Bishop so-and-so. Elder so-and-so. Reverend. Deacon Bob. Deaconess Anita. Apostle J. T. Preachsogood. And let’s not forget Doctor. Titles are everywhere it seems. Where there’s a church, there’s no shortage of titles. Sometimes titles…

The Academy of Parish Clergy

by Henry E. Neufeld Last night I was privileged to interview Matt Braddock, president of the Academy of Parish Clergy and Bob Cornwall, editor of the Academy’s journal, Sharing the Practice. Energion Publications produces two book series, Conversations in Ministry and Guides to Practical Ministry in cooperation with the Academy, which provides the editorial board….

Charting a New Course

We’re excited about what we have accomplished over the last several months here on the Energion Discussion Network, and we’re looking to make some changes to make our content and presentation even better. You can see our announcement on our news blog. Rev. Steve Kindle, who has been the EDN editor for all this time,…