Updated Release Date for The Byzantine Text-Type & New Testament Textual Criticism

Updated Release Date for The Byzantine Text-Type & New Testament Textual Criticism

Updated! Due to some delays in processing this book for reprint, we are updating the release date from March 11, 2022 to April 8, 2022. Pre-order pricing will remain in place until we are actually shipping books to customers. Well, we have had some trouble with this, and so are slipping this again to May…

Preface to The Byzantine Text-Type & New Testament Textual Criticism

Preface to The Byzantine Text-Type & New Testament Textual Criticism

The following preface was prepared for this reprint edition by Dr. David Alan Black. Preface Most people know that my views about New Testament textual criticism have been greatly influenced by my former colleague in the Greek Department at Biola University, Prof. Harry Sturz. Sturz’s 1976 dissertation (Th.D. Grace Theological Seminary) was published as The Byzantine…

Biography of Dr. Dolly Berthelot

Biography of Dr. Dolly Berthelot

Each part of Dr. Dolly Berthelot’s meandering professional and personal life has enriched one another and led to where she is today: an intellectually thriving though physically unpredictable 77-year-old author with countless articles and poems and several quite varying books published across decades—and more now waiting in line. Her career has included innovative public school…

Book Extract: I only preach a relational theology

Book Extract: I only preach a relational theology

This post is part of our ongoing discussion of the law in scripture. It is extracted from Finding Stability in Uncertain Times by Ron Higdon. Finding Stability in Uncertain Times, pp. 89-90 When Jesus was asked to give the greatest commandment in the Law, his reply essentially combined two Hebrew Scripture passages: “Love the Lord…

The Incredible Shrinking Gospel

Book Extract: The Story of Moses, Exodus, and Sinai

This book extract is posted as part of our discussion on the law in scripture. It is extracted from Lee Wyatt’s book The Incredible Shrinking Gospel. Note: This section of the book is introduced as Jesus, as a child, hearing the stories of his people from Hebrew scripture. Freedom for God: The Story of Moses,…

Perseverance and Salvation

Book Extract: Paul and James on Salvation and the Law

This extract is from pages 62-63 of Alexander Stewart‘s book Perseverance and Salvation in the Areopagus Critical Christian Issues series. It is posted as part of the discussion on the law. It is an irony of history that the only place in the Bible where the battle-cry of the Protestant Reformation, “faith alone” (sola fide),…