Energion Tuesday Night Hangout: Curriculum Choices
Here’s the video:
Two weeks ago I had to delay our Tuesday night hangout due to technical difficulties and once I had completed the interview, we didn’t get it posted here. So today, we’re posting a make-up hangout. In this video I interview Dr. Bruce Epperly, author of Jonah: When God Changes. You can tell from the title…
Our guest on Tuesday night was Rev. Chris Freet, author of A New Look at Hospitality as a Key to Missions, but we were talking about his church’s approach to Christian education. Chris prefers the word “discipleship.” What about a “no” to a “Sunday School hour,” and a strong “yes” to small groups to meet…
In a letter to Megabelt author Nick May, posted on Megabelt.info, Anne Dalton suggests that the book might be used in a young adult class with an appropriate study guide. Would you use a work of fiction in a Sunday School class? Would you require that such a work be explicitly Christian? What ideas might…
Dateline: July 5, 2016, Energion Pulications’ Tuesday Night Google Hangout with host, Henry Neufeld, and Dr. Bruce Epperly, author of Ruth and Esther: Women of Agency and Adventure.
Yes, this is the fourth video in what was supposed to be a single session. This should let me take up less time on future lessons because of the foundation laid here. This will also continue for one more session, so next week will be #5. – Henry And remember the resources page, where I…
Energion owner and editor Henry Neufeld offers an online study on his YouTube channel each Thursday night. Last night’s video is below.
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