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Edward W.H. Vick: Interpreting Scripture

by Dr. Edward W. H. Vick, author of From Inspiration to Understanding: Reading the Bible Seriously and Faithfully, Philosophy for Believers, Creation: The Christian Doctrine and more! Being Faithful to the Text Since the Scriptures are in some sense fundamental for the Christian theologian, how is he to be faithful to them in constructing theology? What does it…

The Concept of Authority

by Edward W. H. Vick   (a) The term ‘authority’ refers to a relationship. It is a relational term. The term, like ‘revelation,’ points to a two-term relationship. Someone or something has authority over or for someone else. Someone reveals himself to someone else. Someone acknowledges the authority of another.  Someone understands what is revealed….

Inspiration of Scripture: Meaning What?
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Inspiration of Scripture: Meaning What?

by Edward W. H. Vick l. Theory and Fact The incentive for constructing theories of inspiration is to provide a basis for asserting the authority of the Bible. The Bible, so the argument goes, has authority because it is inspired, and it is inspired in the way the theory of inspiration accounts for it. Since…

Should we assume a scientific worldview when we come to interpret Scripture? —YES

[EDITOR’S NOTE: Not all post will have an opposing response. If you disagree with this one, please make your case in the comments.] by Edward W. H. Vick FOREWORD After presenting a definition of the term ‘worldview’ we consider two specific examples, the ancient and the modern. Then we note that one worldview has replaced…

Science, Religion, and Subjective Evidence
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Science, Religion, and Subjective Evidence

In our informal series of books on issues related to creation we’ve discussed how creation is represented in scripture, how one goes about forming a doctrine of creation that is truly Christian, and how someone who accepts evolution might reflect his in worship. Soon we will have a volume on how our understanding of God…