The Gathering of the Eternal Five – The Endless Story

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN   THE ENDLESS STORY   Time is a relentless task master that takes no holidays. The story of Jesus would be a guest at countless backyard discussions by friend, kin and convert alike. History making personalities would enjoy their lives and leave behind versions of those fateful days. Story tellers and time would…

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Introducing Reiki Healing Touch as Prayer with Your Hands

Spirituality takes many forms – silence, breath prayer, visualization, and healing touch. Authentic spirituality embraces the body as well as spirit and mind. When you experience healing touch, your spirit is also transformed. Our cells and souls experience healing when God’s energy flows in and through us. In addition to my daily practices of centering…

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Inclusion and Boundaries, Law and Grace: Where Hospitality Meets Identity

“Boundaries help define what a household, family, church, or community holds precious. However, the modern world is deeply ambivalent about boundaries and community. Although we yearn for home and a place to belong, often we find ourselves more comfortable with empty space where we can ‘sing our own songs’ and pursue our own plans. Hospitality…

Gathering of the Eternal Five: Haracio and Maria Elena Come to Call

CHAPTER Thirteen And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone, and sat upon it. His appearance was like lightning and his raiment white as snow. And for fear of him the guards trembled and became like dead men.    Matthew 28:…